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● Compliance/Due diligence requests
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● Shiny Shoe- Island-wide Quiz
● Shiny Shoe - Cake Bake-off
● Shiny Shoe - Boxing day Cycle
● Shiny Shoe - 5 Aside tournament
● Shiny Shoe - Other

MEET OUR Founding Trustees

Timothy Kamombo

Timothy is a Jersey resident and a qualified Chartered Accountant (CA(Z)) who trained with a big 4 firm and has extensive financial services experience. In his spare time he loves cycling, playing volleyball and participating at church. He takes pride in being a father to a talented son. HEM is Timothy’s brainchild and the Trustees are thankful for such a visionary.  Timothy is married to Nyasha and he is thankful for her inspiration and support. 


Ezekiel Mudzi

Ezekiel is a Jersey resident and a qualified Chartered Accountant (CA(Z)) who trained with a big 4 firm and has extensive financial services experience. In his spare time he loves running, reading financial literature and participating at church. He is also a CFA Charterholder. Ezekiel is a proud father of two bright and gifted sons that keeps him engaged most of the time. Ezekiel is married to Paida and he is thankful for her inspiration and support. 


Tapiwa Munyawiri

Tapiwa is a Jersey resident and a qualified Chartered Accountant (CA(Z)) who trained with a big 4 firm and has extensive financial services experience. In his spare time he loves running, cycling and participating at church. He is also a CFA Charterholder. Tapiwa enjoys providing personal finance advice and hosting talks on managing money. He is a proud father to a beautiful daughter and an energetic little man. Tapiwa is married to Athena and he is thankful for her inspiration and support. 

Email: tmunyawiri@hemeducation

Gareth Kaungwa

Gareth is a Jersey resident and a qualified Chartered Accountant (CA(Z)) who trained with a big 4 firm and has extensive financial services experience. In his spare time he enjoys reading and following up on financial and economic news and as well participating at church. Gareth takes pride in being a father to a beautiful daughter. Gareth is married to Olinda and he is thankful for her inspiration and support. 


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